Bollywood filmmaker Vikram Bhatt in an interview said that he has been told that drugs are served in trays in high-profile Bollywood parties but he has never experienced the same himself. He commented after actress Kangana Ranaut said that over 99% of Bollywood is corrupted with drugs.
While several people refuted Kangana for making a fool of the Bollywood industry, there are a few who came in her support or at least matched their tone with her. As per Kangana, drugs flow like water in most Bollywood parties as well as on the film sets. The entire drug controversy stirred after Rhea Chakraborty was investigated about drug abuse in the case of Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. She was arrested after being charged with drug procurement for Sushant.
Vikram during an interview said, “I have never been to a party where drugs have been taken by anyone. I have been too big parties. Somebody once told me that in some parties, different kinds of drugs are offered in trays. The guests then pick up the drug of their choice. However, I have never seen any such thing in the parties I’ve been to.”
Vikram’s daughter, Krishna also came forward that she too had heard about such parties but have never been a part of it. However, Krishna also said that it is unfairto target Bollywood for drug consumption as many other industries also must be indulged in such behavior.
“Now you tell me that it is possible that the consumption of drugs in the entire country is only in the film industry. Everyone knows that this is not possible. There are rich and high profile people who are not a part of the film industry. But people are trying to get a hold of only Bollywood celebrities who are in the limelight,” Vikram said. “I am not saying that there is no usage of drugs in the film industry. If this is happening in the whole world then must be going on in the film industry too. It seems childish to say and believe that drugs are exclusive to Bollywood. Is the Narcotics Control Bureau created just for the film industry?”
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