Congress party representative and current Chief Minister of Punjab, Capt. Amarinder Singh said that BJP is using poor tactics like destroying the diversity of India, which is our country’s unique strength, with their “divisive politics”.
Talking on the Badal case, the CM said that he would never spare anyone who has done anything illegal and if anyone found guilty, legally, they would be punished for the crime done against the people of the state.
He also added that he would however follow the due judicial process as per the Indian constitution, "Even if Prakash Singh Badal is found guilty, he will be punished," said the CM.
"They (Badals) will have to face the consequences of their actions, if found responsible," he added. "I believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, and am totally against politics of vendetta..,” Capt. Amarinder said.
The statement came as a befitting reply to the statement made by former Chief Minister of Punjab, Mr. Prakash Singh Badal, when a few days ago h said that Capt. Amarinder’s only motive is to put him behind the bars.
Earlier in February, Capt. Amarinder Singh mad a statement in which he said that those who were responsible for the horrendous" 2015 sacrilege incidents in the state would be punished to set an example. He said this while addressing the Punjab Assembly.
Badal, in his previous statement also said that the Special Investigation Team formed to probe sacrilege and police firing incidents in 2015 and Justice Ranjit Singh Commission to be a drama of Congress and added that Amarinder's only goal is to put me in jail."
Previously, Amarinder Singh said attending a rally "My only wish is that everyone in Punjab should be happy, the state should be free of drugs and unemployment, and there should be prosperity. That is my ideal Punjab,” he said, adding “we will ensure that this dream is achieved”.
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