Renowned Bollywood director Rajkumar Hirani has been named in the #MeToo allegation row. However, the director has claimed the allegations against him are baseless and he did not assaulted the colleague, who claims that Hirani tried sexual advances for as long as a period of six months.
Hirani is one of the most respected member of the industry and so far the most high-profile personality to be named with the #MeToo movement.
An anonymous woman, who allegedly worked with Rajkumar in his last picture Sanju as an assistant has said that he sexually assaulted her.
The allegations came out when first published in Huff Post India on January 13th.
As per the complainant, Hirani assaulted her first on 9th April at his home and then a number of time during the post-production work of film Sanju. The assault period lasted till September 2018. Rajkumar Hirani’s lawyer has just released a statement, in which, they denied the allegations. The statement reads as below:
"I was completely shocked when these allegations were brought to my notice about two months ago. I had suggested immediately that it is essential to take this matter to any committee or legal body. The complainant has chosen to go to the media instead. I want to very strongly state that this is a false, malicious and mischievous story being spread with the sole intention of destroying my reputation,".
In the Huff post published report, they quoted a mail dated November 2018 which reads, "My mind, body and heart were grossly violated that night and for the next 6 months." The accuser was referring to the April 9th assault.
Hirani is one of the best directors in Bollywood known for his great films such as Munna Bhai MBBS & 3 Idiots.
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